Sunday, February 19, 2006

Up a Mountain and Down a Hill

Despite the fact that there's no trace left of last week's winter snowstorm, a few of us decided to take advantage of the long weekend and head for the mountains to ski/snowboard for a day. We decided to go somewhere near Boston because we were too lazy (or too busy) to make any plans in advance. We ended up going to Nashoba Valley Ski Area. Notice that it's called a "valley", not a mountain; and for a good reason. Nashoba ski area is basically a hill with a few trails, none longer than half a mile. Despite the fact that the snowboarding experience was a bit underwhelming for me (I've been spoiled with Lake Tahoe), we had a lot fun hanging out in the outdoors and going out for well-deserved lunch afterwards.

The most exciting events of the day were Ziv's dare-devil acrobatic jump (that ended up with a nice spill at the bottom of the ramp), Serge's first turns on a snowboard (and complete run without a fall) and Nick's introduction to the snowboard park (ouch!).


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