Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Beginnings

It's a cold January morning in Boston. The cruel weather prompts me to consider what the hell am I doing here in Boston at this time of year? I gave up sunny California for freezing Boston, a nice apartment near the beach for a (yet to be found) grungy apartment in Cambridge, a well-paid job for a negative income. All this for a chance to do some... homework? Ahh, but these are exicting times! You see, I'm fulfilling a long-standing dream of getting a graduate degree. And what a better place to do it than MIT, the pinnacle of geekdom, a place where I could fit right in with other left-brained engineers and scientists like me. Despite the freezing weather I'm thrilled to be here in Boston. I'm back in school!

Encouraged by my blogging experience in Romania, I decided I should keep another blog about my times here at MIT. The next year should be a unique experience in my life and through this personal memoir I hope to capture, for my own benefit, some of the more interesting moments, lessons and observations (if nothing else, I could keep my family updated with how I'm spending my hard-earned money).


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